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  • Writer's pictureColton Cowie

How Big Are Capybaras: Size, Characteristics, and More

Capybaras, known scientifically as Hydrochoerus hydrochaeris, are the largest rodents in the world and are native to South America. These fascinating creatures are often found near bodies of water such as rivers, lakes, and ponds, where they thrive in semi-aquatic habitats. If you're curious about their size and other characteristics, read on to discover everything you need to know about capybaras.

Capybara size

Physical Dimensions

Capybaras are impressively large animals, with adult individuals typically reaching lengths of 3.5 to 4.5 feet (about 1 to 1.4 meters) and standing at heights of around 20 to 24 inches (50 to 60 centimeters) at the shoulder. They are robustly built, resembling oversized guinea pigs with long legs and partially webbed feet, which aid them in their aquatic lifestyle.


In terms of weight, capybaras are hefty creatures, with adults ranging from 77 to 146 pounds (35 to 66 kilograms) on average. However, larger specimens have been recorded, with some individuals reaching weights of up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms) in exceptional cases. This substantial size makes them quite distinctive among rodents and contributes to their unique ecological niche.

Baby capybara size

How Big is a Baby Capybara?

Baby capybaras, known as pups or kits, are born surprisingly large compared to other rodent species. At birth, they typically weigh around 2.5 to 4.5 pounds (1.1 to 2 kilograms) and are already quite mobile, able to walk and swim shortly after birth. Despite their initial hefty size, they exhibit rapid growth during their early months, nurtured by their mother's milk and eventually transitioning to a diet of grasses and vegetation. This rapid growth ensures that they quickly adapt to their semi-aquatic habitat and join their herd in foraging and social activities.

How Big is a Capybara Compared to a Human?

Although capybaras generally weigh less than the average adult human and are shorter, humans may find capybaras to appear huge due to them being the largest rodents. Compared to other rodents, capybaras are very large, but will still generally stand shorter than an adult human. When it comes to kids, however, capybaras may be heavier and taller!

Anatomy and Appearance

Capybaras have a distinct appearance characterized by a barrel-shaped body covered in coarse, reddish-brown fur. They have small ears, nostrils situated on top of their heads (adapted for breathing while submerged), and eyes positioned high on their heads, allowing them to keep a lookout for predators while partially submerged in water. Their short tails are barely visible, which is unusual for rodents but helps them maintain their streamlined profile in water.

Capybara in grass near water

Habitat and Distribution

These fascinating creatures are primarily found in South America, inhabiting regions such as the Amazon rainforest, the Pantanal wetlands, and other tropical and subtropical habitats. They are highly adaptable and are known to occupy a variety of environments, including marshes, grasslands, and even densely forested areas near water sources. Capybaras are social animals and are often seen in groups, sometimes consisting of 10 to 20 individuals, which helps them fend off predators and socialize effectively.

Diet and Feeding Habits

Capybaras are herbivores, feeding primarily on aquatic plants, grasses, and fruits. Their semi-aquatic lifestyle allows them easy access to a wide range of vegetation near water bodies, and they are known to spend a significant amount of time grazing and foraging. Interestingly, their digestive system is specialized to process large quantities of fibrous plant material efficiently, which is essential given their large size and the quantity of food they consume daily.

Behavior and Social Structure

Known for their gentle demeanor, capybaras are generally docile animals that rarely display aggression toward humans or other species. They are highly social and form tight-knit groups known as "herds" or "troops," consisting of multiple adult females, dominant males, and their offspring. These groups provide protection from predators such as jaguars, anacondas, and caimans, which are among the few natural threats to capybaras due to their size and strength.

Reproduction and Life Cycle

Capybaras reach sexual maturity at around one to two years of age. Breeding typically occurs during the rainy season, and females give birth to litters of about four to five young after a gestation period of around 130 to 150 days. Newborn capybaras are remarkably precocial, capable of walking and even swimming shortly after birth. They are nursed by their mothers for several months but begin grazing on vegetation soon after birth.

WWet capybaras

Conservation Status

Although capybaras are not considered endangered species, they face threats from habitat loss due to human activities such as deforestation and agriculture. They are also hunted for their meat and hide in some regions, though conservation efforts and protected areas help mitigate these pressures. Their adaptability and relatively high reproductive rate contribute to their resilience in many parts of their range.


In summary, capybaras are extraordinary creatures renowned for their size, gentle nature, and semi-aquatic lifestyle. From their impressive physical dimensions to their complex social behaviors and vital ecological role, these largest rodents in the world continue to captivate researchers and wildlife enthusiasts alike. Whether lounging by a riverbank or grazing in lush grasslands, capybaras embody the rich biodiversity of South America's diverse landscapes, underscoring the importance of conservation efforts to ensure their continued survival in the wild.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is a Brazilian capybara?

Brazilian capybaras, like their counterparts elsewhere, generally reach lengths of 3.5 to 4.5 feet (about 1 to 1.4 meters) and stand 20 to 24 inches (50 to 60 centimeters) tall at the shoulder. They typically weigh between 77 to 146 pounds (35 to 66 kilograms), with exceptional individuals sometimes reaching up to 200 pounds (90 kilograms). These dimensions make them the largest rodents in the world, thriving in Brazil's diverse habitats, including the Amazon rainforest and Pantanal wetlands.

Are capybaras dangerous to humans?

Capybaras are generally gentle and non-aggressive towards humans. They are known to be social animals and usually avoid confrontations unless provoked or threatened.

What do capybaras eat?

Capybaras are herbivores, primarily feeding on aquatic plants, grasses, and fruits. They graze extensively near water sources, which provide them with easy access to their preferred vegetation.

How long do capybaras live in the wild?

In the wild, capybaras typically live for about 8 to 10 years on average. In captivity, they can live longer, sometimes up to 12 years or more, depending on their environment and care.

Do capybaras make good pets?

While capybaras are sometimes kept as exotic pets, they require specialized care and a large habitat similar to their natural environment. Keeping them as pets is not recommended for everyone due to their size, dietary needs, and social requirements.

Where are capybaras found in the wild?

Capybaras are native to South America, where they inhabit regions such as the Amazon rainforest, the Pantanal wetlands, and other tropical and subtropical areas with access to water.

How big are baby capybaras when they are born?

Baby capybaras, known as pups or kits, are born weighing around 2.5 to 4.5 pounds (1.1 to 2 kilograms) and are already quite mobile shortly after birth.

What are the predators of capybaras?

Predators of capybaras include jaguars, anacondas, caimans, and large birds of prey. Their social behavior in groups helps protect them from these predators to some extent.

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